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Saturday, September 8, 2007

How to Tweak your Smartbro Motorola Canopy

1. Go to your web browser, type “″ to access the canopy interface.

NOTE:In case the canopy configuration page didnt show up, go to

For Internet Explorer:

Just Go to Tools-> Internet Options-> Connections->LAN Settings-> Use Proxy Server

For Mozilla FireFox:

Just Go to Tools-> Option-> Advance-> Network-> Settings-> Use Manual Proxy Configuration

and remove the proxy and set to "direct connect to internet

2. You will be brought to the “STATUS” page. The navigation tabs are located at the left panel.

3. For a good connection, the word “REGISTERED” must be written in the “session status” and the “Jitter value should be low (lower=less interference).

4. Now return to the navigation panel, go to “Configuration”. The only value here that will concern you is the “Color Code” value.

5. Return to the navigation panel and then choose “AP Eval Data”. This is the most important aspect since this is where the available AP or Access Point for every connection is displayed. Every AP is separated by ************. This is where the technicians look for signal during the canopy installation. You can also change the signal by repositioning the antenna or simply turning it while clicking “Rescan APs”. The values will change depending on the signal strength being received. You can view how many users are connected to a specific base station by clicking AP EVAL DATA. Its important to know that Jitter and RSSI data is important. Having a lower Jitter is good and having a higher RSSI value than 800 is also better.

The Important factors here are:
a. “Multipoint Avail” - In order to know if the canopy has a signal to the base station, its value must be “1″, “0″ means no signal.

b. “SectorUserCount” - Shows how many connections are using that particular AP.

6. Return to the “Configuration” tab if you were able to get a good AP signal AP, change the “color code” value with the value you get from the scan AP process. Click save changes then reboot.

7. Now return to the status page and hit refresh until you see that the word “REGISTERED” is displayed,(You can also see your canopy’s distance from the AP here). If you receive the words “scanning or registering” just continue hitting the refresh tab until “registered” comes up. Make sure you have a low jitter level (If its greater than 11, this means that there is too much interference and you need to find a new AP).

8. If everything works out fine (You’re “REGISTERED”, have Good Jitter levels) proceed with testing your connection by pinging google, or some other test you have in mind. Exit then open your browser and you will be redirected to the smart portal where you will be required to input your password so that it will update (Use the password from the first installation). Save changes then reboot.

NOTE 1: Make sure that you clear all LOGS from the canopy page.
NOTE 2: You can also check your connection to the Base station by clicking LINK TEST. This test will show you how efficient your connection to the base station.
NOTE 3: Warning changing anything might damage your antenna if you dont know what your doing so don’t save anything.
NOTE 4: Just change your Lan IP connection to "obtain an IP address automatically" if you want to browse again. If you cant connect..then just ipconfig/release and /renew again to refresh your ip address.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

should i need the override cables first before i can access or i can access it without the it?

because i can't access the canopy now, it always give me a time out error.